5 Things to Consider When Planning a Mead Tasting

Are you trying to find the best-tasting mead for your next get-together? Mead tasting at the Twisted Horn is an excellent way to explore the best mead flavors to serve to your honored guests. The best mead in Vista is not found by choosing a brewery and picking up a random bottle. We promise that the local liquor store near you won’t be able to serve you the experience that a great mead deserves like the Twisted Horn.


When choosing the adventure for you and your guests' taste buds, there are essential factors to consider so you can have a successful mead-tasting evening. You want to make sure that your event is well-thought-out so that you can have the best experience and serve the best-tasting mead around. Take a look at five things you need to consider when planning a mead tasting! 

Find The Best Tasting Mead

Before hosting your fun tasting event, you have to decide where you would like to source the mead you are planning to serve. If you have six months to kill, you can make your own unique selection of mead, but chances are you don't, so the best option is to stop by the Twisted Horn to try a flight of drinks.

It’s important to consider all of the flavors when trying to source your mead to get the best options for your guests! To make your selections, do your own mini mead tasting at the Twisted Horn so you can choose the best-tasting mead to give your guests. You don't have to search for “mead brewery near me” when Twisted Horn has the best meads in Vista!

Invite The Best People Over

Once you have the best-tasting mead, you have to decide who to share it with. Do you invite mead connoisseurs? How about your friends who know nothing about mead? Whoever you choose to invite, make sure that everyone is open to new and unique mead flavors so you can all have fun while tasting them! 

Inviting mead-tasting virgins can be a fun experience for them, and for you too, since the experience will be new. Or you could take a different approach and invite mead connoisseurs who can talk shop with you. A good guest list will make any event a great time!

Make Your Mead Tasting Educational

If you invite mead novices to your event, it may be best to educate them on the delicious nectar before you begin the tasting. Give a little presentation explaining what mead is and why it’s different from other beverages they may have had before. Explaining the mead-making process and how the delicious drink has lasted the test of time will be a fun start to your night. 

If you have chosen locally sourced mead from the Twisted Horn, you can even explain the history of the brewery and show videos of our brewing process from social media. Drinking local is always a good idea! (We may be a little biased) If you don't have time to stop by our store in person, you can still buy our mead online. 

Reviewing the information about the meads you're serving beforehand will make your guest's experience more enjoyable and educational.

Deciding How to Present

Presenting your mead is half of the fun of your party! When people think about mead, they think about Vikings or medieval times. You can decorate your event to be set in those times or maybe recognize the country of origin that the beverage comes from. Mead tasting should be an experience, and that includes creating a unique environment!

Provide guides and ranking sheets so that everyone involved can keep track of the best mead flavors that they enjoy throughout the tasting. With the best tasting mead from the Twisted Horn, you will take everyone's taste buds on a journey to remember!

Serving The Mead

Everything is in place. You have the mead, the people to drink it, interesting info to share, and your party all set up. What’s left? The best part, serving the mead!

The way that the mead is served is an essential part of the whole experience. You want to make sure that it is served to display the mead’s vibrant colors and hold all of the flavors. Choosing good glassware is important because different glass shapes affect the way you drink different alcoholic beverages. 

When it comes to mead, you want the glass to be clear and free of distractions. A simple tulip glass may be a good option as it keeps fingerprints off the glass and allows tasters to swirl the glass for a good sense of the aroma. The best mead in Vista from the Twisted Horn deserves only the best serving glasses!

You now have all of the elements it takes to choose the best mead in Vista and host a fun DIY tasting at home! Ready to get started?
Stop by the Twisted Horn to sample our selection of the best-tasting mead for your upcoming mead tasting, or buy our mead online. Revel in the flavors and enjoy the fantastic journey!

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