Oldies But Goodies: Mead and Cider Updates

This past year was full of uncertainty, stress, and a lot of changes that seemed to happen daily. Simultaneously, the last year also felt like both the longest and shortest year ever. We were fortunate enough to continue serving our community and to stay open through the hardest periods of time thanks to the loyalty of all of our visitors. Because of the continued business, we’ve been able to continue doing what we love; making mead and cider

Over the span of time we’ve had the honor of hosting a number of divine mead and cider flavors. The new year brings upon us more chances to brew new flavors and continue bringing a historical drink to the members of our California home. While one of our clan favorites will be leaving this week, a few ghosts from the past will be returning to grace our halls. Our menu experiences change as we run out of what’s been made, and bring in new flavors we think our audience will enjoy. Since we’re now fully into the new year, we found it appropriate to (re) introduce some of your old and soon to be new favorites. 

You can keep reading to see which favorites are still available, and which are making a comeback!

Oldies But Goodies: Mead

Going into January, our menu will feature a few throwbacks, as well as some new flavors that we’re sure will be a hit. Even though the popular flavor Alt left our hall in December, “Toby’s Tale” is still thriving. It’s one of our more popular meads on tap, made with Star Thistle honey, tart red cherry, dark sweet cherry, Acai, and huckleberry. Our best selling mead that we ship “Blue Cloak” is also still available for order if you would like to enjoy Twisted Horn in the comfort of your own home.  

Returning to our taps for the first time in a while is Granate Foundation. This mead has the flavors of wildflower honey, pomegranate and cranberries. If you haven’t had the chance to try it, you can swing on by and give it a taste! 

We’ll also be bringing back another crowd-pleaser, “Old Toby”, which is a Straight Star Thistle honey mead. If you haven’t had the chance to try a cyser style yet, now is your chance! You can expect to see “To The Core”, which is our very own cyser mead. Cyser is made from honey and apples, you can read more about it in our previous blog if you’re curious.

Oldies but Goodies: Cider

Our mead selection isn’t the only part of the menu getting some attention. Cider has grown in popularity over the years, and making and experimenting with flavors is a joy for us. Our cider selection has grown to be quite popular, and continues to grow and change as the years progress. 

As we go into the new year, not only will some fan-favorite meads be returning, but some favorite ciders will be making an appearance. Our winter flavor “Mischief Mulled”, a hot apple cider with winter mulling spices and fruit, will continue to stay on board and warm you on the cooler days. We’ll also continue shipping “Draco”, a mojito flavored cider, to your door for a little taste of an early summer day in the comfort of your own layer, couch, or wherever you choose to relax. 

For our returning flavors, we’ll be bringing “Primal Fire”, a cider that has a big cinnamon spice to it, perfect for warming up on these cold January nights and when you want to rotate between “Mischief Mulled”.  

2022 is set up to be a great year for trying new things, enjoying new flavors, and welcoming new friends into our halls. As new mead and cider flavors are developed and ready to serve, we announce their arrival, or seasonal specials, on our social pages, complete with flavor profiles. We also post events that are coming up for the month, including game nights, food trucks, and other information regarding Twisted Horn. Follow us on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages to stay up to date with everything happening in the hall. 

We look forward to seeing everyone in this new year, and to all the flavors we have yet to try!

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